Coparenting Communication guidelines

Here is a useful set of practical guidance about coparenting communication from two experienced practitioners.

Web-based training in Parent-child Contact problems

Please go to the Overcoming Barriers website to get information about a web-based/online comprehensive Course on understanding and intervening when children are resisting or refusing contact with a parent.  Dr. Sullivan, Deutsch, Fidler, Ward...

Parenting Coordination Training-Chicago-3/06-7, 2017

Dr. Sullivan will conduct a 2-day Parenting Coordination Training at the Loyola Law School in Chicago on March 6th and 7th, 2017. Please go to the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts website ( to “conferences and training” for a...

New York Times

A perspective about shared custody building resilience in kids, even when coparents don’t get along the-secret-superpower-of-a-shared-custody-kid-the-new-york-times