Overcoming Barriers, Inc., together with the Steve Frankel Group and Transitioning Families, inc, is providing a one-day training on Legal Issues and Family Interventiosn when a child is resisting contact with a parent. The training will be help in San Francisco on...
Dr. Sullivan has contributed two chapters in the just released edited textbook, published by the American Psychological Association, entitled, Parenting Coordination in Postseparation Disputes: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners Parenting Coordination in...
Overcoming Barriers.org, is sponsoring a training with Retired Family Law Commissioner Marge Slabach and Dr. Rebecca Bailey, founder of Transitioning Families, who will join Dr. Sullivan for a one day training on legal and psychological interventions in high conflict...
Dr. Sullivan has authored two chapters of a comprehensive guide to parenting Coordination practice, published by the American Psychological Association and available in May of 2014. This is a MUST publication for professionals who engage in Parenting Coordination...
STOP: a useful strategy for coparents to approach conflicted issues is provided by Betsy Sansby. click on the link below to view/download. stop_handout_color