Parenting Coordination Practice Guide

Dr. Sullivan has authored two chapters of a comprehensive guide to parenting Coordination practice, published by the American Psychological Association and available in May of 2014. This is a MUST publication for professionals who engage in Parenting Coordination...

Isolina Ricci, Ph.D. discusses coparenting

Isolina Ricci, Ph.D., the internationally renowned author of “Mom’s House, Dad’s House” discusses functional coparenting in this podcast on Divorce Source Radio. Please copy this  link below to listen to her interview:...

Dr. Sullivan interviewed on “Divorce Radio”, March, 2013

Dr. Sullivan was interviewed by Deborah Moskovitz, author of THE SMART DIVORCE about his Parenting Coordination work and involvement with Overcoming Barriers, a non-profit that provides innovative programs for high conflict coparents. click on  the link below  to...