Overcoming Barriers, Inc. in collaboration with William James College is pleased to offer a new online multi-module course entitled: High Conflict Coparenting: Interventions for Children’s Alignment and Resistance  Robin M.Deutsch, PhD, ABPP, Barbara Jo...
Please go to the Overcoming Barriers website overcomingbarriers.org to get information about a web-based/online comprehensive Course on understanding and intervening when children are resisting or refusing contact with a parent. Â Dr. Sullivan, Deutsch, Fidler, Ward...
Oxford University of Press is releasing the following book Overcoming Parent-Child Contact Problems Family-Based Interventions for Resistance, Rejection, and Alienation Edited by Abigail M. Judge and Robin M. Deutsch Dr. Sullivan has written 3 chapters in this book:...
The following is a Resource List of other programs of which we are aware. The list is comprised of independently practicing psychologists who have worked at Overcoming Barriers Family Camp or Intensives and who run independent, intensive programs targeting child...
Commissioner (ret) Marge Slabach, Sherry Cassedy, Michelle Michele Bissada and Matt Sullivan did a 3 hour presentation to Attorneys and Judges on Novemer 2, 2015 in San Francisco. You can obtain the DVD from the presentation at...