Parenting Coordination sample appointment/consent orders

The following are sample template Parenting Coordination Stipulations, orders from various jurisdictions. Feel free to download them and not “re-invent the wheel”. There are many common features that should be in your order. I think the best conceived is...

American Psychological Association Powerpoints

Attached are the powerpoints from the all day symposium on parenting coordination and the workshop Dr. Sullivan did at the American Psychological Association in Boston in August of 2008. APA morning presentation APA Risk Management presentation APA Parenting...

Kansas City Parenting Coordination Training 10/23-24

Dr. Sullivan will be doing a two-day parenting coordination training in Kansas City on October 23 & 24th, 2008, sponsored by the Association and Family and Conciliation Courts. This is a great opportunity to get the nuts and bolts to start a practice in parenting...