Dr. Sullivan joins several distinguished colleagues to present a comprehensive understanding of Parent-Child Contact problems and interventions to address them in a 12-Module online training co-sponsored by William James College beginning  May, 2018 Information and...
Click on this text to open the link to the training brochure for Chicago PC Training March 8+9
Dr. Sullivan will conduct a 2-day Parenting Coordination Training at the Loyola Law School in Chicago on March 6th and 7th, 2017. Please go to the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts website (afccnet.org) to “conferences and training” for a...
Dr. Sullivan will conduct a two-day parenting coordination training in Chicago on March 7th and 8th, sponsored by the AFCC. Please see the brochure for details about the training, cost, location and other details. Go to www.afccnet.org  then to the...
The following are additional materials for the training on 12/11+12 If you click on these links, they should download to your computer Coparenting.JCC.word Guidelines_for_Court_Involved_Therapy SUGGESTED_READINGS_PC_doc...