Dr. Sullivan has co-authored a new book for parents and professionals who struggle with Parent-child Contact problems. Here is the link to the promotion:...
Drs. Janet Johnston and Matthew Sullivan just published “Parental Alienation: In Search of Common Ground for a more Differentiated Theory” in the April 2020 Special Issue of the Family Court Review. This paper: 1. discusses the broader historical...
Please join the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts for their annual conference, titled “When a Child Resists a Parent: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?”. Please use the link below or go to AFCCnet.org to look at the brochure...
Dr. Sullivan will join Maria Young, who is a program manager at San Mateo County social services and diversity trainer, for a workshop entitled: Working with Diversity: Techniques and Interventions that motivate and encourage collaboration. Please join us at the...
Please read Dr. Sullivan’s President’s message to the Association of Family and Conciliation Court (AFCC international) membership sent on August 21 2019. President’s message