PPC Stipulation and order PCCP family treatment agreement
Overcoming Barriers, Inc. in collaboration with William James College is pleased to offer a new online multi-module course entitled: High Conflict Coparenting: Interventions for Children’s Alignment and Resistance  Robin M.Deutsch, PhD, ABPP, Barbara Jo...
Dr. Sullivan will conduct a 2-day Parenting Coordination Training at the Loyola Law School in Chicago on March 6th and 7th, 2017. Please go to the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts website (afccnet.org) to “conferences and training” for a...
Oxford University of Press is releasing the following book Overcoming Parent-Child Contact Problems Family-Based Interventions for Resistance, Rejection, and Alienation Edited by Abigail M. Judge and Robin M. Deutsch Dr. Sullivan has written 3 chapters in this book:...
September 12-14, 2016 Dr. Sullivan will do a 2-day training in the practice of Parenting Coordination. It will take place in Vancouver, British Columbia. Â Mark your calendar. I will provide more specifics when we have the brochure.