The following is a Resource List of other programs of which we are aware. The list is comprised of independently practicing psychologists who have worked at Overcoming Barriers Family Camp or Intensives and who run independent, intensive programs targeting child resistance dynamics working with the entire family, usually for a single family. These programs are priced and operated independent of Overcoming Barriers, Many of these clinicians also provide consultation, reunification therapy and other services. We do our best to keep the list current but provide no guarantee as to availability of any programs mentioned. Please feel free to contact them directly about their services, program details, fees and availability. (In alphabetical order):

Building Family Reslience in New Jersey Drs. Marcy Pasternak and Sharon Ryan Montgomery

Dr. Robin Deutsch in Massachusetts

Families Moving Forward in Toronto Dr. Barbara Fidler –

Dr. Matt Sullivan in California Transitioning Families in California

Dr. Rebecca Bailey –

Turning Point in Arizona Dr. Jack Moran –

Dr. Peggie Ward in Massachusetts and Florida

Please feel free to also review \ for more information including a list of the Board of Directors who,as members of the family law community, are other potential resources.