Child of Divorce: Letter
This is a well produced  2-minute video that captures the issues from a child's perspective... click on the link to view:
Coparenting: Cooperate for your kid’s sake
I thought this short promotion for Al Gibbs' coparenting classes in Los Angeles was provides excellent information for coparents working through the divorce transition. Paste this URL and you'll be able to view:...
California Coparenting Center Opens, June, 2014
Drs. Matt Sullivan and Shawn McCall are pleased to announce the opening of the California Coparenting Center (CCC) in their office in Palo Alto. The Center will provide low fee services for coparents sharing custody of their children post separation and divorce. In...
Overcoming Barriers high conflict family Camp July 2014
The Overcoming Barriers High-Conflict Divorce Family Camp scheduled for July 14 – July 18, 2014. We are accepting applications starting March 17 and will process applications in the order they are received. Please read about the program and the intake process before...
STOP: a four-way strategy for handling coparenting conflicts
STOP: a useful strategy for coparents to approach conflicted issues is provided by Betsy Sansby. click on the link below to view/download. stop_handout_color
Talking to kids about separation and divorce
A recent study found that a small minority of parents talk to their children about their separation and divorce. The failure to do so leaves kids confused, stressed and not having critical permission to use their parents as a resource during this transition. The...
Arizona Guide to Coparenting Communication
Attached is a useful guide to structuring coparenting communication, particularly in higher conflict shared custody situations. It supports a parallel model of coparenting. Click on this link for the pamphlet AzAFCC_Coparenting_Communication_Guide_(final)_
Mediation and midwifery
My wife, Sherry Cassedy, is an attorney mediator and private judge in Palo Alto, California. She has specialized in family law for 3 decades. She wrote this article contemplating the struggles divorcing partners typically have as the process nears...
Isolina Ricci, Ph.D. discusses coparenting
Isolina Ricci, Ph.D., the internationally renowned author of "Mom's House, Dad's House" discusses functional coparenting in this podcast on Divorce Source Radio. Please copy this  link below to listen to her interview:...
The impact of High Conflict Divorce on Children
Bob Livingstone is a local child therapist and close colleague, who wrote this blog recently. Quite poignant and a must read for coparents who engage in an ongoing conflict as they implement their shared parenting situation. Paste this link below to Bob's website and...