Parenting Communication Resources in High Conflict Cases
Please see the attached report from a project completed by members of the Arizona Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. It has excellent suggestions for custody orders/parenting plans and other online resources to support functional coparenting in high...
Model Parenting Plans
Here are model parenting plans provided by reputable organizations, based on the current literature on structures that best meet children's needs at different development stages: From the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers The AAML Model for A Parenting Plan...
How parents can promote children’s resilience after divorce
A leading expert in parent education post-divorce weighs in about how parents can promote emotional resilience in children during and after this transition. Please click on the link for 10 tips for parents children's resilience after divorce
Resources for Developing Parenting Skills
Here are some good resources to help parents develop their parenting skills: Partnership Parenting: How Men and Women Parent Differently--Why It Helps Your Kids and Can Strengthen Your Marriage, by Kyle Pruett MD and Marsha Pruett PhD Fatherneed: Why Father Care is as...
Overcoming Barriers Family Camp Featured in Canadian News Documentary on Parental Alienation
The Canadian News program W5 (the equivalent of the 20/20 news program in the states) did a segment entitled: W5 Investigates: Children on the Front Lines of Divorce. This compelling segment interviews 3 families impacted by high conflict divorce. The second part of...
Tips for high conflict coparents
The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts provides us with tips for coparents who continue to be in high conflict post-divorce. Please download the attached Tips for high conflict parents
Tips for Coparents
The AFCC has provided 10 tips for coparents to consider as they establish a shared parenting arrangement post-divorce. Please download this file Tips for coparents
Parenting Styles website: Support for Parents
The website is a wonderful resource for parents. Parenting is a skill that is developed through knowledge and practice, and websites, such as this one is a user friendly way to tap into experts responses to questions parents have about nearly...
Overcoming Barriers Camp July 20-25, 2009
Dr. Sullivan will be conducting the second year of a 5-day camp for families where a child has rejected a parent and an intensive intervention to reconnect the child with their parent is desired. The family systems intervention requires the participation of both...
Up to parents – new website for coparents and professionals who work with coparents
Take a look at this website. It's an excellent resource for coparents and professionals who work with coparents. Incredible materials to assist in the divorce transitions. This professionals from Indiana (Charlie Asher) have put a tremedous amount of time and...