New Article on the use of Parenting Coordination
Dr. Sullivan and Annette Burns, a family law attorney and former president of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts from Arizona have just had an article entitled: The effective use of Parenting Coordination: Considerations for legal and mental health...
NEW BOOK: Overcoming the Alienation Crisis: 33 Coparenting Solutions
Dr. Sullivan has co-authored a new book for parents and professionals who struggle with Parent-child Contact problems. Here is the link to the promotion:
New article on Parental Alienation, April 2020
Drs. Janet Johnston and Matthew Sullivan just published "Parental Alienation: In Search of Common Ground for a more Differentiated Theory" in the April 2020 Special Issue of the Family Court Review. This paper: 1. discusses the broader historical socio-cultural-legal...
What Coronavirus can teach coparents about sharing custody
Two family court organizations, the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers have put out a joint set of guidelines to assist parents who share custody of their children Click on this link AAML/AFCC...
Applications for Overcoming Barriers Family Camp in July
Family Camp 2020 Applications are Open! July 6-12, 2020 in VermontOvercoming Barriers is offering its Family Camp Program for families involved in High Conflict Divorce where a child is resisting or refusing contact with a parent. So that Family Camp is...
Dr. Sullivan’s upcoming Barcelona Presentations for AFCC 2/13-15/2020
AFCC in EuropeThe Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya (COPC) and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) will hold a special training program in Barcelona next month. Join us for networking, a full-day conference, and a workshop...
AFCC Annual Conference May 27-30 New Orleans
Please join the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts for their annual conference, titled "When a Child Resists a Parent: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?". Please use the link below or go to to look at the brochure and...
But they won’t go!: Parental Alienation on Trial Boston, 1/10/20
Dr. Sullivan will present at the Massachusetts Association of Guardian Ad Litems annual conference in Boston on January 10, 2020. He will address our current understanding of children's resistance and refusal to have contact with a parent post-parental separation and...
Working with Diversity: Workshop at the California AFCC 2/07-09, 2020
Dr. Sullivan will join Maria Young, who is a program manager at San Mateo County social services and diversity trainer, for a workshop entitled: Working with Diversity: Techniques and Interventions that motivate and encourage collaboration. Please join us at the...
AFCC Fall Conference 10/31-11/02 Pittsburgh
The Association of Family and Conciliation Courts is conducting it's fall conference on INTEGRATING RESEARCH INTO PRACTICE AND POLICY: The Impact on Families and Children. Please take a look at the conference brochure by clicking on these highlighted words. Hope to...