AFCC-AAML Conference Sept 26-28th, Washington, D.C.
Dr. Sullivan will be presenting a pre-conference advanced Parenting Coordination Institute with Dr. Robin Deutsch. These two pioneers in the development of Parenting Coordination will focus on challenging situations that confront PC's in this role. Dr. Sullivan will...
SAVE THE DATE: Parenting Coordination Training September 16-20, 2013, Vancouver, B.C.
Join Dr. Barbara Fidler and  Dr. Sullivan for a 5-day comprehensive Parenting Coordinator training in Vancouver, B.C. from September 16-20th. Lovely time of year to be in Vancouver. The announcement will be posted as soon as I receive it from the training...
Parenting Coordination Training, April 2012
Dr. Sullivan will be presenting a full day training Parenting Coordination in Seattle Washington on April 13+14, 2012. The presentation and two additional workshops will be part of the Washington state chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts...
AAML-AFCC Joint Conference September 15-17, Philadelphia
Dr. Sullivan will join some of the leading professionals in the child custody field for this first collaboration between the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). This will be a specialized...
Chicago Training June 20-21, 2011 Keeping Parenting Coordinating Cases on Track: Advanced Concepts and Case Management Strategies
Dr. Sullivan will do a 2-day advanced training in Parenting Coordination Practice for the AFCC in Chicago, Illinois on June 20-21. Â Please go to the AFCC website ( and click on trainings to obtain the brochure for this intensive training. Below is an...
February, 13, 2011, San Francisco, CA Court-Involved Therapy Guidelines: Core Concepts and Practical Application in Changing Times
Dr. Sullivan will co-present with Judge Diana Gould-Saltman, and Dr. Lyn Greenberg, both from Los Angeles at the California Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual conference at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francico. Â The workshop will present...
Advanced Special Master Training, Sacramento, CA October 22, 2010
Join Dr. Sullivan and Sacramento family Law attorney Mike Jonsson for a one-day training on Special Master work for attorneys and mental health professionals. Mark your calendar, I will post the specifics when I have the brochure.
Advanced Parenting Coordination Training: August 11, 2010
Dr. Sullivan will join Drs. Joan Kelly and Robin Deutsch in proving a full day advanced training for Parenting Coordinators. This training will take place as part of the American Psychological Association annual Convention in San Diego, California on August 11, 2010....
California AFCC conference 2/14-17/2010, Santa Monica
Join the Califormia chapter for it's annual conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in Santa Monica. There are institutes, workshops and plenary sessions on timely topics in family law for evaluators, parenting coordinators and therapists who...
Parenting Coordination Intensive one-day training February 5, 2010 Sedona, Arizona
Dr. Sullivan will be doing a full day institute at the Annual conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Arizona Chapter. It will take place on February 5th, 2010 in Sedona Arizona. The title of the presentation is "INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR...