American Psychological Association/American Bar Association Conference, April 30-May 3, 2008
Reconceptualizing Child Custody:Past Present and Future- Lawyers and Psychologists Working Together, co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association and the Family Law section of the American Bar Association. Dr Sullivan will be one of numerous presenters at...
Toronto Training Announcement 11/09/07
Here is the press announcement for Dr. Sullivan's one-day training on November 9, 2007 entitled High-Conflict Divorcing Families: Practical Strategies to Prevent Alienation. Here is the link Toronto training
PC Training in Columbus, Ohio, September 27-30, 2007
Dr. Sullivan will be presenting a full-day institute on the practice of Parenting Coordination and a nuts and bolts seminar as part of a comprehensive Parenting Coorination "track" at a regional conference from September 27-29 sponsored by the National Council of...
Parenting Coordination Training in Columbus, Ohio, 9/07
Dr. Sullivan will be presenting a full-day preconference institute on the practice of Parenting Coordination and a workshop as part of a comprehensive Parenting Coordination track of training at Association Family and Conciliation Courts conference in Columbus. Please...
Interventions with Child Alienation Cases
Dr. Sullivan will be speaking in Toronto in November, 2007 on the topic of Interventions with Child Alienation. Please click through to the full text of this post to download the media announcement. Here is the media announcement for the presentation: Toronto...