10 top things divorced parents can do to protect their children from conflict
Conflict between parents who share custody can have a damaging impact on their functioning and long-term healthy development. Attached below are some thoughts about what divorced parents can do to protect their children from conflict.  It comes from the AFCC website...
Web-based Consultation Group: Working with High Conflict Coparents
Dr. Sullivan is forming a web-based consultation group for professionals who work with high conflict coparents. If there is enough interest to have 6-8 members, Dr. Sullivan will lead a monthly consultation group, using Web-ex, which allows for video conferencing, or...
AAML-AFCC Joint Conference September 15-17, Philadelphia
Dr. Sullivan will join some of the leading professionals in the child custody field for this first collaboration between the American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). This will be a specialized...
10 tips for Family Court Professionals involved in alienation or alleged alienation cases
Drs. Barbara Fidler, Nicholas Bala and Michael Saini provide 10 helpful tips for handling cases where allegations of alienation are present. These are tough situations. Click on the link 10 tips on Alienation - AFCC
AFCC Parenting Coordination Pamphlet
Dr. Sullivan collaborated with several PC professionals to design a brochure for office display or to send to clients, explaining the who, what, why of Parenting Coordination.  The attachment presents the material in the pamphlet. You can order the tri-fold pamphlets...
Parenting Coordination: Top Ten Toughest Challenges
Drs. Matthew Sullivan and Robin Deutsch, and attorney-mediator Christie Coates put their experience together to provide Association of Family and Conciliation Courts member the ten toughest challenges that those who practice parenting coordination will encounter....
Parenting Communication Resources in High Conflict Cases
Please see the attached report from a project completed by members of the Arizona Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. It has excellent suggestions for custody orders/parenting plans and other online resources to support functional coparenting in high...
AFCC approves Practice Guidelines for Court-Involved Therapy
Just published!!  Association of Family and Conciliation Court's two year task force just completed the first comprehensive practice guidelines for therapists who work with Court-involved clients. Issues such as informed consent for such therapy, dealing with...
Chicago Training June 20-21, 2011 Keeping Parenting Coordinating Cases on Track: Advanced Concepts and Case Management Strategies
Dr. Sullivan will do a 2-day advanced training in Parenting Coordination Practice for the AFCC in Chicago, Illinois on June 20-21.  Please go to the AFCC website ( and click on trainings to obtain the brochure for this intensive training. Below is an...
February, 13, 2011, San Francisco, CA Court-Involved Therapy Guidelines: Core Concepts and Practical Application in Changing Times
Dr. Sullivan will co-present with Judge Diana Gould-Saltman, and Dr. Lyn Greenberg, both from Los Angeles at the California Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Annual conference at the Mark Hopkins Hotel in San Francico.  The workshop will present...