Promised materials from Baltimore training
Here is the set of  Power point slides about using developmental research about children in PC work, Jan Johnston's typology of children's adjustment to High Conflict Divorce and the pros and cons of involving children directly in the PC process PC Work and...
Advanced Special Master Training, Sacramento, CA October 22, 2010
Join Dr. Sullivan and Sacramento family Law attorney Mike Jonsson for a one-day training on Special Master work for attorneys and mental health professionals. Mark your calendar, I will post the specifics when I have the brochure.
AFCC draft guidelines for Court-Involved Therapy
Please see the draft guidelines published by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) task force on Court-involved therapy. Dr. Sullivan co-chaired this task force that is focused on providing best practices for mental health professionals providing...
Professional Consultation Group with Dr. Sullivan
I am starting a consultation group, offering monthly meetings to provide consultation on cases and topics dealing with high conflict custody situations, coparenting work, mediation, Parenting Coordination. It will take place in my office in Palo Alto If you are...
AFCC Guidelines for Court-Involved Therapy: Review and Comment
Dr. Sullivan has co-chaired a task force commissioned by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts to develop practice guidelines for Court-Involved therapy. The 10 member, multi-disciplinary (judges, attorneys, mental health profesisonals) across the United...
Ethical and professional practice issues in Court-involved therapy – Sedona, Arizona, February 7, 2010
These are the materials from the workshop on this topic that Dr. Sullivan will present in Sedona to the AFCC-Arizona annual conference. Much of the material is based on the work of a national AFCC task force developing guidelines for Court-involved therapy. They...
California AFCC conference 2/14-17/2010, Santa Monica
Join the Califormia chapter for it's annual conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts in Santa Monica. There are institutes, workshops and plenary sessions on timely topics in family law for evaluators, parenting coordinators and therapists who...
Parenting Coordination Intensive one-day training February 5, 2010 Sedona, Arizona
Dr. Sullivan will be doing a full day institute at the Annual conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Arizona Chapter. It will take place on February 5th, 2010 in Sedona Arizona. The title of the presentation is "INTENSIVE INTERVENTIONS FOR...
Overcoming Barriers Family Camp Featured in Canadian News Documentary on Parental Alienation
The Canadian News program W5 (the equivalent of the 20/20 news program in the states) did a segment entitled: W5 Investigates: Children on the Front Lines of Divorce. This compelling segment interviews 3 families impacted by high conflict divorce. The second part of...
Parenting Coordination: An Introduction
The American Psychological Association Practice Directorate has developed a "webinar"-- a web-based training introducting the Parenting Coordination role. Drs. Matt Sullivan, Joan Kelly and Robin Deutsch worked together on the project, which features relevant...