Parenting Coordination Pre-Conference Symposium at APA’s Annual Convention
The American Psychological Association is highlighting the Parenting Coordination role with a full-day symposium where leading experts in the PC will present about the development of the role, ethical and professional practice issues and training for PC's. Dr....
Parenting Coordination: Journal of Child Custody
Volume 5 numbers 1/2 of the Journal of Child Custody, was published in July of 2008 (go to to get the Journal from the publisher). Dr. Sullivan is the Guest Editor for this special issue, which is the first ever volume dedicated...
Consultation in Child Custody Cases
Dr. Sullivan has written a chapter in a book that will be published in the next couple of months by the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts. The book is entitled, Innovations in Family Law, and the chapter written by Dr. Sullivan and colleague, Elena...
Parenting Coordination for High Conflict Families
This article, which appeared in the Family Court Review, Volume 41, 2003 was written collaboratively with a group of legal and mental health professionals across the country. It provides an overview of the role, and it's emergence across jurisdictions in the United...
Ethical, legal and professional practice issues involved in acting as a psychologist parent coordinator in child custody cases
This article was published in the Family Court Review, Volume 41, 2003. It provides a summary of professional practice issues for PC's and describes common areas of risk (multiple roles, exercising authority, legal procedural issues, etc.) that confront the...
Los Angeles has a new Parenting Coordination Stipulation
I have reviewed many Parenting Coordination appointment orders and contracts from jurisdictions all over the country. The Los Angeles PPC (Parenting Plan Coordinator) consent order, a collaboration of child custody specialists over several months is very well done....
Munich Family Law Symposium April 28-30, 2008
Dr. Sullivan is one of 4 international experts in the field of Child Custody who have been invited to present at a 2-day symposium in Munich, Germany on April 28-30, 2008. He will be speaking about innovations in the family courts in the United States, covering topics...
Journal of Child Custody Special Issue on Parenting Coordination
The next volume of the Journal of Child Custody (probably May or June of '08) will be devoted to Parenting Coordination. Dr. Sullivan is the guest editor of this volume and he and JCC editor, Dr. Leslie Drozd have invited several experts - practicioners, trainers,...
California Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Conference, February 8-10, 2008, Santa Monica, California
Dr. Sullivan will be presenting a workshop with Dr. Lynn Greenberg and the Honorable Robert Schnider (Los Angeles Superior Court) entitled, "You call yourself and expert? Critical evaluation of expert testimony in Family Law Cases." as part of this AFCC 3-day...
American Psychological Association/American Bar Association Conference, April 30-May 3, 2008
Reconceptualizing Child Custody:Past Present and Future- Lawyers and Psychologists Working Together, co-sponsored by the American Psychological Association and the Family Law section of the American Bar Association. Dr Sullivan will be one of numerous presenters at...