Parenting Coordination Practice Guide
Dr. Sullivan has authored two chapters of a comprehensive guide to parenting Coordination practice, published by the American Psychological Association and available in May of 2014. This is a MUST publication for professionals who engage in Parenting Coordination...
STOP: a four-way strategy for handling coparenting conflicts
STOP: a useful strategy for coparents to approach conflicted issues is provided by Betsy Sansby. click on the link below to view/download. stop_handout_color
Talking to kids about separation and divorce
A recent study found that a small minority of parents talk to their children about their separation and divorce. The failure to do so leaves kids confused, stressed and not having critical permission to use their parents as a resource during this transition. The...
Arizona Guide to Coparenting Communication
Attached is a useful guide to structuring coparenting communication, particularly in higher conflict shared custody situations. It supports a parallel model of coparenting. Click on this link for the pamphlet AzAFCC_Coparenting_Communication_Guide_(final)_
Parenting Coordination Training, Vancouver, B.C. September 16-20, 2013
Drs. Matt Sullivan from California and Barbara Fidler from Toronto, two of the most experienced authors and presenters on Parenting Coordination in North America, will share a 5-day training in Vancouver. B.C. from September 16-20, 2013. You can select any combination...
Isolina Ricci, Ph.D. discusses coparenting
Isolina Ricci, Ph.D., the internationally renowned author of "Mom's House, Dad's House" discusses functional coparenting in this podcast on Divorce Source Radio. Please copy this  link below to listen to her interview:...
ACT NOW: Overcoming Barriers High Conflict Family Camp–Reduced Fees available
OCB, founded by Dr. Sullivan in 2008,  will offer both sliding scale and financial support for qualifying families to provide the opportunity for high parents who are in high conflict shared custody situations to attend this camp in Vermont beginning July 15 2013....
AAML-AFCC joint family law conference, September 26-28, 2013
Don't miss this opportunity to hear many of the leading legal and forensic mental health professionals present this fall in Washington D.C.  The American Association of Matrimonial Lawyers and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts are partnering in this...
Dr. Sullivan interviewed on “Divorce Radio”, March, 2013
Dr. Sullivan was interviewed by Deborah Moskovitz, author of THE SMART DIVORCE about his Parenting Coordination work and involvement with Overcoming Barriers, a non-profit that provides innovative programs for high conflict coparents. click on  the link below  to...
Guide to coparenting communication
This is an invaluable guide to structuring functional coparenting communication in shared custody situations. Especially helpful when coparents have tensions and conflicted engagement. click on this to download this guide AzAFCC Coparenting Communication Guide